Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Room with a View

When dreaming of my dream house, I have always wanted a kitchen that had a window above the sink with a fantastic view. Because you know, women spend a lot of time in the kitchen, (especially in front of the sink) and therefore they should have some great scenery to feast their eyes upon.

So a couple of weeks ago, after looking out of my kitchen window, it hit me. I may not have my dream house, but I have a good version of my dream view. It only took me 5 months to realize it.


The Incredible Bulks said...

I have, or should I say, had a great view. It's slowly being taken over by new houses....sad.

Karlee Turner said...

That is a great view! Although, I would have to admit that Travis spends just as much time in the kitchen as I do :) IS that sad? It may or may not change later on...who knows.

jessica said...

That really is lucky you are!

me said...

that is awesome! i know exactly what you mean by wishing for a good kitchen (sink) view. I get to stare at my neighbors house that is only a few feet away! :( oh well...

The Runyons said...

You do have a beautiful view! Your house is awesome! You are a great mom and your home is filled with touches of loving care and big time talent. Thanks so much for allowing us to stop in. I LOVED playing with your boys and finally getting to know them a bit better.