Thursday, March 13, 2008

(Comical) Prayers of a Child

So I have two HILARIOUS and cute prayer stories, and of course they come from Jace. So the first prayer happened when we were in California last weekend. We were at my sister-in-law, Lindsey's, house and it was Lindsey's family and all of Bryan's family there. Jace was doing a puzzle with his cousins and his aunt Tiff and Dave, Lindsey's dad, was trying to tease Jace and "get him going" if you will. Bryan and I told him that if he really wanted to get a rise out of him then tell him he had to go see the dentist. (Background: Last week Bryan told Jace that he was going to have to go to the dentsit soon. Jace FREAKED!!! "Dentists are LAME!!!" Also, Dave is a dentist.) So Dave told Jace that he was a dentist and that he was going to look at his teeth. Well, right in the middle of everything, Jace dropped what he was doing, clasped his hands, closed his eyes as tight as he could, and said, "Heavenly Father, grateful that I don't have to go to the dentist. Name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Needless to say, we all busted out laughing. The whole room LOST it. I guess he knows how to pray for things, huh?

Second prayer: Last night I was getting Jace ready for bed and while I was brushing his teeth, Jace asked me, "Mom, how come sometimes you are sad when you say prayers?" Yes, Jace has seen and heard me cry a couple of times while saying family prayers. So I told him that sometimes I pray for sad things, like if someone is sick or hurt. Well, we went into his room and knelt down for prayers and he started in on his own prayer. I helped him finish, but in the middle of saying sentences he would make this noise - it was kind of like a fake cough or something. I didn't quite catch on until he was closing his prayer, and then **DING** I understood. I had to ask Jace to make sure he was doing what I thought he was doing, so I said, "What were you doing?" He told me, "I was sad because I was praying for someone that was sick." Yes Folks, he was FAKE CRYING!! Now, keep in mind, we did not pray for anyone that was sick or hurt this time, he just thought it was necessary to be sad in his prayers. I ran downstairs and told Bryan what had happened and we lost it again! What can I say, Jace just cracks me up!



Cute kid!! Just goes to show that kids do watch you and follow your example - real or fake!! Love you!!

Kristin said...

He is so adorable and super smart! I love all your stories, and your new background too.

Karlee Turner said...

Don't worry...I'm sitting here at my desk, laughing histerically, with my coworker's heads strating to turn my direction to see what's so funny! Love it!