Friday, May 28, 2010

Guess How Much I Love You?

I love you 18 freshly ironed shirts.

(said Big Nutbrown Hare)



What a woman, Ashlee!! I hope he loves you 18 shirts back!!!! You are a stalwart!!

Kristin said...

Freshly Ironed shirts are one of my favorites too, right after clean bed sheets.

Hafen Crew said...

You are seriously Nuts!! I would tell him to do it himself!! YES you do love him..I hate Ironing :)

Ty and Masha said...

Hey, you are setting up too high of a standard here, I'm not doing it. Men are spoiled already with delicious dinners, clean laundry, ESPN and......well, you know what I mean.

Tiercy said...

LOVE this post! I was totally expecting something cute with your boys or Lily. I may have to postlift this prespective one day (of course attributing it to you. =)

You are so great to do that for Bryan. I hardly ever iron for my boys. =)

me said...

wow! you really must love him. Lucky for me Tim doesn't let me iron his shirts. I dont do it right...i guess its kind of like how men dont "know how to do the dishes" (or whatever they tell us).