Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today I Decided....

That I could hold Lily in my arms and we could stand there staring and smiling at each other




And it would never grow old.


Michaelangelo said...

Oh that is such a sweet sweet smile! Enjoy every minute!

Ty and Masha said...

I feel you. Sometimes when I have to rock Petra to sleep, I can't wait for her to fall asleep, but when she's asleep I can't let her go. Weird. Mom's are weird. Cute little girl miss Lily!

Hafen Crew said...

Love that little face and her smile loooks like her Mama's! :) You have some freakin' cute kids!

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! I'm glad you are enjoying your little girl so much.

jessica said...

I kmow exactly what you mean!!!

Karlee Turner said...

Oh I feel like I could do the same thing...there is nothing quite like that adorable, gummy, little smile!

Margetts Fam said...

How do I guarantee a girl? What did you guys do different this time around? Any advice?


Yeah Ashlee, and if you ever get bored of holding her, you can call me....I'll gladly take a day off and come hold her!!!! I'd maybe even squeeze in some boy time too!!!! Love you!!

Tiercy said...

I see you have found the joy of girls after two boys! What a great post!!! She is soooo cute!!!

Gingerlylizzy said...

I don't blame you. She is so darling! Miss you!

Heath and Brandie said...

She is adorable! So fun. I would hold her all day too!