Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pretty Boy

I always knew Cole was handsome. But he has found a new love today and has truly become a pretty boy.

And then he became my screaming, tantrum boy.


Curse of the Billy Goat said...

You've dressed him in headbands and now he's wearing necklaces. I think anyway you look at him he's adorable!! You've got some pretty dang cute kids, even while throwing a tantrum! SILLY BOY!

Ty and Masha said...

Cole is a handsome boy. We will take for a boyfriend (for Petra). :-)

Hafen Crew said...

I just had to check ou this pic again. I can't believe how old he's looking, he such a little boy now. He's just so handsome. I miss my boys!

Heath and Brandie said...

I love it! It's so fun to see your cute kids

We miss you!
( Heath & Brandie)

Kristin said...

I can't believe how he has changed. He totally is a little boy now. It is always sad to me when they do that. Oh, and have fun cleaning! Yikes. At least you got dinner done right?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how he feels as you just sit there and smile and take pictures as he continues to cry. :)

Syndi said...

All he needs now is a purse. Are you not talking to me because I made you feel bad about not watching your kids?